Wednesday 23 November 2011

July 20, 4:35pm

Everyone who's anyone knows about the deaths occuring in the Capulet and Montague families in Verona ... I'd heard about them myself and decided to get a first hand account on the tragedies. So here it is folks, my exclusive interview with Juliet Capulet's very own nurse.

Q: Were you and Juliet very close?
A: Yes, she was like a daughter to me. We shared everything.

Q: Did Juliet die of natural causes, or do you suspect foul play?
A: She was a healthy young girl, I do not think natural causes. Take from that what you'd like.

Q: Do you know the full story behind what happened the day Mercutio and Tybalt met their end?
A: I know only pieces, and they may just be rumors. However, if I did, they are not for me to share.

Q: I've heard you were extremely upset about the death of Tybalt ... Is this true?
A: Well I sometimes consider myself a Capulet, so yes I was quite close with him. He was Juliet's cousin after all, he was family.

Q: Do you have anything to say about Romeo Montague's banishment?
A: I do. He shouldn't have gotten off so easily since Tybalt lost his life.

Q: So Romeo had a part in Tybalt's death? So you do know?
A: No, like I've said, rumors. I'm done here. Good day.

1 comment:

  1. Nurse, have you heard anything? I am getting to the bottom of this. What is with this handwriting, I can't even understand it.
