Friday 18 November 2011

July 19, 12:31pm

Oh woe is me, what has happened! Dear Tybalt was slain at the hand of Romeo! Oh it is a sad day! He's dead. He's dead. He's dead! We're ruined, we're ruined! What an awful day! He's gone. He's been killed. He's dead! I went to see Romeo and Friar Lawrence after I spoke to Juliet ... He stayed the night with Juliet. In the morning, I told him he had to leave because her mother was coming, I was worried for her. I yelled to her, "Madam, your lady mother is coming to your chamber. The day is broke. Be wary, look about." And away that Romeo ran. Her father came up to her and told her she would marry Paris. I had to protect Juliet from her father's rage after she refused to marry Paris. I screamed at him, "God in heaven, bless her! My lord, you're wrong to berate her like that." That horrid, horrid man told me to shut my mouth. Juliet needs to marry Paris or I will lose my job ... Maybe even my head!


  1. Tybalt is dead and for that I am sorry! I didn't mean to ruin your family! He killed my friend and I couldn't hold back. I had to kill him. I'm sorry for the pain I have caused your family and friends. Mostly for the pain I have and will cause Juliet.

  2. I won't marry Paris, I thought you know how I feel, I don't trust you anymore!

  3. Suck it up, you old canker-blossom.

    - The Montagues.

  4. My dear Juliet, I miss you dearly. I will find out what happened to you and I will deal with them. Love your Paris
