Friday 18 November 2011

July 18, 10:46pm

Today Juliet asked me to go talk to Romeo for her. I walked in to town with Peter and came across a large group of boys. I called for the Romeo in the square, and what a group of friends that boy has! Absolutely vile, calling me old and ugly and such. That Romeo boy though, is a fine one, soft at heart. He even tried to give me change for the trouble, and he apologized for his friend's actions1. Romeo took me in to the chapel, and we spoke of what the Friar said. He said the Friar approved of the marriage and would marry them at once! I left in a hurry and made my way back. She was in a state by the time I got back, instantly bombarding me with questions and inquiries. What a fuss the girl was in to try and get me to tell her what Romeo said! Well, since she was so demanding, I decided to play around and drag it on. The longer I dragged it on, the angrier she got. It was absolutely hilarious! Finally I broke and told her what Romeo said; that they would be married as soon as possible! She was ecstatic, almost in tears. I quickly got her ready and ushered her to the Friar's cell. She thanked me and I bade her goodbye until tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Make sure i get to see her soon! I am very happy that you are supportive of me and Juliet. Thank you so much!
