Wednesday 30 November 2011

Juliet: "Oh comfortable Friar! Where is my lord?"
I know you all have been following my blog for sometime, and I know there has been a lot of rumors, as well, and I decided to give my part on it ... I am The Nurse, and I was the Nurse to Juliet Capulet.

I feel great guilt for what has happened the past days in Verona, and know that I can only be to blame. I shouldn't have encouraged Juliet to marry Romeo, I shouldn't have filled her head with lies, oh what have I done! I should have known she was lying to me! It won't be long until people understand what I've done. I'll be fired, I'll be killed, or even worse, I'll be banished! Holy Saint Francis! I should have known; with Juliet's death, my death would not be far after. I know the Friar said, "Her nurse is privy; and if aught in this miscarriaged by my fault, let my old life be sacrificed, some hour before this time, unto the rigor of severest law.", but I did not know if he meant or would keep his word, because he has no control over what happens to me.

Parent's hate ends up in children's death. I am the Nurse, and I was there to see the love story; the love story that was doomed from the beginning.
I believe the Prince put it perfectly when he said, "There never was a story of more woe, than that of Juliet and her Romeo."

Tuesday 29 November 2011

July 21, 11:46pm

I decided to start a daily "My Favourite Things" posts ...
#1: Getting in to a warm bed after a hard days work.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

July 20, 4:35pm

Everyone who's anyone knows about the deaths occuring in the Capulet and Montague families in Verona ... I'd heard about them myself and decided to get a first hand account on the tragedies. So here it is folks, my exclusive interview with Juliet Capulet's very own nurse.

Q: Were you and Juliet very close?
A: Yes, she was like a daughter to me. We shared everything.

Q: Did Juliet die of natural causes, or do you suspect foul play?
A: She was a healthy young girl, I do not think natural causes. Take from that what you'd like.

Q: Do you know the full story behind what happened the day Mercutio and Tybalt met their end?
A: I know only pieces, and they may just be rumors. However, if I did, they are not for me to share.

Q: I've heard you were extremely upset about the death of Tybalt ... Is this true?
A: Well I sometimes consider myself a Capulet, so yes I was quite close with him. He was Juliet's cousin after all, he was family.

Q: Do you have anything to say about Romeo Montague's banishment?
A: I do. He shouldn't have gotten off so easily since Tybalt lost his life.

Q: So Romeo had a part in Tybalt's death? So you do know?
A: No, like I've said, rumors. I'm done here. Good day.

Friday 18 November 2011

July 19, 12:31pm

Oh woe is me, what has happened! Dear Tybalt was slain at the hand of Romeo! Oh it is a sad day! He's dead. He's dead. He's dead! We're ruined, we're ruined! What an awful day! He's gone. He's been killed. He's dead! I went to see Romeo and Friar Lawrence after I spoke to Juliet ... He stayed the night with Juliet. In the morning, I told him he had to leave because her mother was coming, I was worried for her. I yelled to her, "Madam, your lady mother is coming to your chamber. The day is broke. Be wary, look about." And away that Romeo ran. Her father came up to her and told her she would marry Paris. I had to protect Juliet from her father's rage after she refused to marry Paris. I screamed at him, "God in heaven, bless her! My lord, you're wrong to berate her like that." That horrid, horrid man told me to shut my mouth. Juliet needs to marry Paris or I will lose my job ... Maybe even my head!

July 18, 10:46pm

Today Juliet asked me to go talk to Romeo for her. I walked in to town with Peter and came across a large group of boys. I called for the Romeo in the square, and what a group of friends that boy has! Absolutely vile, calling me old and ugly and such. That Romeo boy though, is a fine one, soft at heart. He even tried to give me change for the trouble, and he apologized for his friend's actions1. Romeo took me in to the chapel, and we spoke of what the Friar said. He said the Friar approved of the marriage and would marry them at once! I left in a hurry and made my way back. She was in a state by the time I got back, instantly bombarding me with questions and inquiries. What a fuss the girl was in to try and get me to tell her what Romeo said! Well, since she was so demanding, I decided to play around and drag it on. The longer I dragged it on, the angrier she got. It was absolutely hilarious! Finally I broke and told her what Romeo said; that they would be married as soon as possible! She was ecstatic, almost in tears. I quickly got her ready and ushered her to the Friar's cell. She thanked me and I bade her goodbye until tomorrow.

Monday 7 November 2011

July 17, 10:11AM

   Today was an important morning for Juliet and I. This morning sometime, Lady Capulet called us both into Juliet's sleeping chamber. She wished for me to leave, but then called me back to talk for her instead, which isn't surprising since even though Lady Capulet birthed Juliet, I was the one who raised her. I was not exactly sure of Lady Capulet's intentions, but soon it became clear. It turns out, the Prince's Kingsman, Paris, asked for Juliet's hand in marriage. Her father believes that Juliet should wait two summers, since she is still a child at almost 14 years, but her mother insisted that she get married, since other girls in this fair city have already become mothers of their own. Juliet said that she'd try to look at him and like him, but only if he was likeable. I personally think the valiant Paris would make a grand husband, and I'm so excited that he wants my own little Juliet! I couldn't imagine Juliet not wanting to be his bride, but of course, I only want her to marry for herself, for love. In my opinion, he's as perfect as if he were sculpted of wax, there is no fairer flower in Verona than him.
   Tonight I will be watching over Juliet at the Capulet's annual feast, and I believe Capulet invited Paris himself! Now I must go, Juliet needs to get ready to make a good impression on her suitor.